CD DVD discs


Printed and recorded CD DVDs (optional)

Weight 1 kg
Production time [working days]:: 3
Printing on the disc
Data recording on disc


Price includes VAT
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CD DVD discs

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Are you planning to release a music album, a CD or DVD presentation or a film? If so, this offer is for you! Audio CDs, Video CDs, DVDs, multimedia presentations, archive discs - all in editions of just a few to several thousand copies. With your own fully professional and unique print on the disc and case. This is a versatile and convenient form of storing recordings, films and data.

Our offer is mainly aimed at medical diagnostic facilities, photographers, videography companies or those creating multimedia presentations. It is also great for music bands to release a demo or their promotional CD. They can also serve the ordinary user or collector of audio or video.

Also be sure to check out the offer on printed covers for CDs and DVDs.
CDs or DVDs can be pre-recorded (burned) or blank (CD-R, DVD-R). If the discs are to be written, please provide an additional file in ISO format with the contents of the disc.


PDF template

CD DVD discs

Download the dimensioned blank template and use it for your own project.

PDF template

CD DVD packaging

Download the dimensioned blank template and use it for your own project.

Template Adobe Illustrator

CD DVD discs

Download the dimensioned blank template and use it for your own project.

Template Adobe Illustrator

CD DVD packaging

Download the dimensioned blank template and use it for your own project.

PDF manual

How to read templates - INSTRUCTIONS

Here you will find information on what the colours and lines used in the templates mean